A Cigar is never just a cigar!
“In the future, there will be no male or female leaders. There will be just leaders.”
"You know those 'Old Boys' Clubs'? Even though I would never smoke, "I'm stealing their cigars!" According to Freud, a cigar is a phallic symbol and is representative of masculinity and raw energy. But as I see it, the days in which money and power are retained by wealthy white men through incestuous business relationships are over. Time has come to co-create. Power to the People! By the means of new technology and new awareness women and minorities can also be truly successful in the business world. We're now meeting online to establish business relationships, instead of on those high-priced golf courses, at exclusive country clubs, or through private fraternities and social clubs. This was the arena from which women and minorities traditionally were excluded, and with that not privy to the truly “serious” business transactions or conversations.
Power to the People!
I'm not stealing their cigars to turn them into some ‘women symbol’. As a Religion Scientist interested in ritual, I’d like to bring to mind that the use of tobacco was considered sacred since before recorded history throughout the Americas. People don’t often realize that tobacco, in high doses, is still being used as a visionary medicine by shamans. The ‘Mapacho’, which strictly speaking is a cigar-sized paper cigarette filled with Nicotiana rustica, is most commonly used as a medicine to clear the energy field of a person seeking balance and realignment. During healing rituals, the shaman blows the Mapacho as a form of cleansing over the crown and neck to clear and protect their spirit.
I personally use tobacco only in a ritual way, that’s why I can say I would never ‘smoke’. As a Sacred Ritualist, I only work or pray with tobacco at special celebrations or during a healing ritual. One of the tools I use is the peace pipe, which played an important role in traditional ceremonies in many Native American tribes. The smoke from the tobacco is used to convey prayers to the ancestors by creating a so-called bridge between the world of the living and the spirit world. The pipe is also passed around on social occasions, like the conclusion of a sale or other agreement. And sharing the pipe has always been a sign of peace and friendship.
Burning incense, sandalwood, or Paolo Santo wood
are other ways of using 'Holy Smoke'.
So, a bit like Robin Hood, I’m ‘stealing their cigars’ to return them to the people. Let us use them in a sacred way. No more ‘top down’-leadership, let’s even skip working ‘bottom up’! Let’s sit in a circle passing the ‘holy smoke’, as equals, and start co-creating together.
Just to make it crystal clear, this blog is NOT about saying women are better than men. Notice how I wrote "Power to the People", this includes men. It's true, I work mostly with women and teach about Feminine Leadership (which is also successfully being applied by men!), but that doesn't mean I hate men or don't recognize and celebrate their value.
This is all about ending a problematic power structure called 'Patriarchy' which is pervasive and hurts all of us, men and women. So, let's not turn this into an "us versus them" battle, but focus on finding wholesome alternatives to existing destructive power structures. In a society where some form of leadership is necessary, we must push for and formulate alternatives to existing, oppressive power structures.
How? I believe the best place to start is to take leadership over your personal life first. As soon as you have your Personal Leadership in check, you're ready to start CoCreating with others. Ready to push for diverse communities, workplaces and social networks. Ready for empowering leadership that guides rather than suppresses. Ready for celebrating compassionate leaders instead of tough taskmasters. Ready to lead from the heart and being driven by the soul. Ready for Feminine Leadership.
Don’t know where to start with taking leadership over your personal life? Don’t worry, I’ve got you!
Join me for my FREE MasterClass: The One Ritual, where I will share with you the One Ritual to boost your Feminine Leadership. You will also ‘meet’ the Four archetypal Ladies: The Lover, The Mother, The Queen, and The Wise, and find your natural Leadership Style. As a gift you’ll receive the Lady Logbook for free, so we can fill it in together! It’s fun and you’ll get a lot out of it!
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Remember, you're only One Little Ritual Away!